Thursday, July 26, 2012

What Makes A Crazy Volunteer?

I could give you the "short" answer, which would be to merely list all of the titles I currently hold (in no specific order of course):
  • Girl Scout Leader
  • Girl Scout Facilitator (Orientation, Program Level, Outdoor I)
  • Young Women's World Forum 2011 Attendee
  • Girls World Forum Chaperone (also a Facilitator)
  • President of the Princeton Area Junior Women's Club
  • NJ State Public Issues Chair (Junior Membership)
  • JM Liaison to the GFWC Signature Project: Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Committee (yes, that one's a mouthful)
  • Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Advocate
  • Global Leadership Pool Member
  • Participant in a pilot WAGGGS Online Leadership Course
...and in my spare time... kidding, of course.

The longer answer is a lot more difficult. I can't really pin down exactly why I volunteer to the extent that I do. All I know is that 21 years ago my mother started my first Daisy troop and I don't think I've looked back ever since. I discovered that picking up trash, collecting canned goods (and coats, backpack supplies, clothing, etc etc), making blue bears for the rescue squad, delivering meals on wheels, or reading to kids at a low income daycare center was my source of happiness.

This is me as a Girl Scout Cadette with my sister,
Victoria, then a Junior Girl Scout

I guess that's the simplest way to explain it - I volunteer because it's what keeps me going. What I've seen reminds me that I may be having a tough day, but at least I have clean drinking water...and don't have to worry about being banned from school because I'm a girl....and I know where my next meal is coming from (even if some days I don't want to cook it : ) The reason why I volunteer is because I love to see the joy on someone's face when they know that their children will now have Christmas gifts because of a donation my club made. Or the realization on a young girl's face when it clicks and she knows how she wants to "Take Action" in her community.

Facilitating a self esteem working at the 2012 Girls World Forum

Volunteerism is my main vice. I say that because when I feel the gratitude, joy, and love radiating off of people I help it's a high. There's no other way to explain it. And that high keeps me going - through my own health problems, crazy family problems, work stress, and anything else that comes my way.

My goal here is to share my volunteer experience. Maybe it'll help you when you need a project for your Daisy meeting (that starts in an hour) or perhaps it'll give you a great idea for a service project that would help your community. Either way, it's my way of finding another avenue to "give back." And I promise, it's going to be one heck of a ride....

Long Range Planning Meeting for the NJSFWC Jersey Juniors!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds a lot like me! I love your blog so far and I look forward to reading more about your crazy volunteering :)I also have a blog if you want to check it out,
    - Shannon (Canadian Chaperone at GWF)
