Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Breaking News!

I'm interrupting the regularly scheduled GWF Day 2 Update in order to share the crazy Girl Scout day that I had yesterday!

Yesterday I came into work and checked my email as I always do. Waiting for me was an email from WAGGGS saying that I was one of the top participants in their Online Leadership Course and I've been invited to serve as a buddy (ie mentor) for the next group who takes the course! This had pretty much been my goal since I found out that they would choose the best to come back - I mean, who doesn't like to hear that they're the best, right? The course was a great experience; it gave me an opportunity to partner with girls from all over the world. In addition to reading materials relating to leadership, the other main component was creating a presentation/brochure/poster/video that could be used to promote the course. Here is our presentation: http://prezi.com/d5u4hcegceyh/e-learning-wagggs/. I was the group leader so I didn't create the presentation - though I did come up with "E Learning: Bringing the Global Classroom to You."

Then a little while later I received a call from a strange number. I did what I always do, which is type it into Google, and I realized it was a call from Girl Scouts of Central and Southern New Jersey (GSCSNJ). They were calling me to find out if I would be interested in taking over as Service Unit Manager (SUM) for the service unit I live in. Apparently they had gotten my volunteer interest form and based on that, and my interview, they decided to offer me the volunteer position. The strange thing is that I never fancied myself a SUM. I was/am more than happy to be a Troop Leader and a Council Facilitator. I have a meeting tomorrow to discuss the opportunity and find out more before I make a decision...

The final piece of the puzzle was finally hearing back from Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey (GSHNJ). They are the Council that I represented at the GWF, but they are an hour north of me :( However, they are having an Open House/Job Fair on Saturday. I was told that they will be contacting me this week so that I can set up an interview! Even though it would be an hour commute, I'm really hoping that something comes of this. I'm very fortunate that many of my Girl Scout "mentors" have offered to serve as references. I hope it's enough to impress them so that I can finally start my Girl Scout career!

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